"Barefoot Ted was right, of course." Chapter 25 line 1Â in "Born to Run"Â by Christopher McDougall
An independent athlete committed to rediscovering primal human capacities and encouraging others to do the same:
"My philosophy is simple. Self-experimentation is key. Find your own path. Share what you discover. Repeat."
Having spent nearly 20 years focused on mastering simple techniques for optimal personal fitness, BFT now focuses on sharing his insights on self-experimentation and following "what makes YOU come alive" through speaking engagements, social networking and acting as "El Presidente" of LUNA Sandals, the world famous running, adventure and lifestyle sandal company with factory and offices in Wenatchee, Washington, Vietnam and Santa Barbara, California.
Many have come to know about Ted for the first time through the pages of Christopher McDougall's best-selling book "Born to Run", a book BFT likes to call his quirky PhD. thesis that he didn't have to write.
Ted has been featured in numerous articles and is frequently found on podcasts. He enjoys sharing his philosophy of life with audiences large and small. As "Barefoot Ted", he has played a major role in defining and popularizing the natural running movement, being an early adopter of the current trend.
BFT has also looked to evolutionary biology and nourishing food traditions for insights into how to live and eat well. Ted's personal research and adventures are regularly shared. on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
These days Ted enjoys helping design and test his favorite footwear, LUNA Sandals: "Like surfers making surfboards, we make LUNAs." You're also sure to seem him down in the Copper Canyons each year as at one of the Copper Canyons Endurance Runs, in Leadville, Colorado each Summer for the Leadville Trail 100 and in Los Olivos, California each Spring for the Born to Run Ultra Extravaganzas.
Returning to his roots, BFT lives in Santa Barbara, California with his wife and 7 year old beagle, Yogi Nash. The barefoot lifestyle is irresistible and the beach and surf cultures of the world know that well. ¡Viva el Sol!